
Originally uploaded by justin_slife.

So my parent’s left today after a week long visit. It was awesome to have them here, and we are all missing them already. We had a lot of fun during their visit, a trip to Children’s Play Gallery where the girls both enjoyed a lot of time playing on stage. Layla was singing while Maggie was dancing, they did a lot of showing off during this week. Maggie and Layla enjoyed baking cookies with Grandpa, who still makes the best cookies. Maggie received a new doll, “Kit” who has an adorable bob haircut. I had been trying to talk Maggie into cutting her hair, I was not thinking this short but I love it and the doll did made her want to do it. She couldn’t wait to cut her hair just like her doll and brought the doll with her and told the hairstylist, “I want my hair cut like this and lifted up the doll” it was a great moment I wish I had it on video.

Well I think I’ve rambled enough about this week!