Can you believe in a just a few hours Maggie will be 3!!!
I’m first going to write a little bit about our wonderful 3 year old who amazes us every day. Looking at this picture I can’t believe how grown up she looks. This has been such a busy year and it has flown by, but in the midst of all the craziness Maggie reminds us to slow down and enjoy all life’s little moments. I have to say the “Terrible 2’s” were not so terrible. She is so lovable, outgoing and so incredibly smart. I know that is what all parents say but there are many times I look at Maggie and wonder why she knows the things she does. And many times when I’m trying to reason with her, and then I realize I’m trying to reason with a toddler. Crazy I know, but sometimes you forget when you hear her talk.
Okay now onto the Birthday celebration. Today we had planned Maggie’s Birthday party with our playgroup. It was to be at the park near our house, but WI weather did not cooperate. My friend Luanne opened up her house to have it there, I can’t thank her enough and am so amazed at how generous the friends I have her are. I truly don’t know what I would do without them. We had a great time, had a Princess Cake and she got to ride her brand new bike. Not only was Maggie was excited about the bike but I think it meant even more that Daddy got to bring it. Yumi came to help us out and did more for us than we could have even imagined. Not only did Yumi come to the party and help with everything, but Adam stayed home with Layla, who is running a fever, so Daddy could come to the party. We are not sure what we would do without them.
So far Maggie’s Birthday is off to a great start and can you believe that 3 years ago at this time we were in the hospital waiting to find if whether we were having a Boy or a Girl. I knew life would never be the same at that time, but I could not have never believed it would be this wonderful and Maggie would be so amazing. We have to be the luckiest parents!