
Originally uploaded by justin_slife.

It was a busy week around here getting ready for
Santa. We started out our week with lots of snow of course which made some things a little hard but gave us a beautiful White Christmas. The snow didn’t stop our Mom’s and Tots group from a great Christmas party and my girls had to dress for the occasion. Maggie got a new pair of boots but knew that if she wore them out in the snow she would not be allowed to wear them at the party. She proceeded to put her snow boots on and carried her “fancy” boots. Layla was a little upset that Maggie had a dress and she didn’t so her dress was a little big but still looked adorable.  I know we are in trouble if we are this picky with our clothes at this young age.  The teenage years should be fun.

Christmas Eve was busy with Santa preparations Maggie and I spent the day making cookies and our Gingerbread house. Which thanks to Justin is still standing. Then it was time for our new Jammy’s and going to bed to wait for Santa. It was hard to go to sleep which made it a late night for Mom and Dad.

Christmas Day was so much fun watching the girls faces when they came down the stairs was priceless. We unfortunately did not get to make the trip to Justin’s grandparents because he came down the stomach bug. It ended up okay, we spent the day in our Jammy’s and enjoyed our new toys.

Today we are going down to Grandma and Grandpa’s to continue Christmas.

Happy New Year everyone, have a safe holiday.



Originally uploaded by justin_slife.

So I know I have not been here to update pictures lately, things have been busy. We just finished our competitive season and the team Justin and I coach took 3rd Place at the WI State Meet. We are so proud of them they worked hard all year and deserved it. And now it is now holiday time.

Thanksgiving Weekend we went to cut down our own tree, we found a great place to do it. Not much walking and the girls had a blast, well at least Maggie did. Layla wasn’t too sure about it all but they were both awesome. So our tree is up and Maggie loves to look at it and tells me all the time how beautiful it is.

WI winter has started already and is not slowing down, up until today we have had snow everyday in December. We have only been out a few times to play and first Layla did not like it. After a few rides on the sled and then having Mommy sit in it with her we were better. She even attempted to lie down for a few minutes and enjoyed watching Maggie make a snow angel.

Yesterday we started Maggie’s letter to Santa, it was so much fun to hear the things she was asking for, but the best part is how she wrote her own name. Of course it is backwards but all the letters are there and legible. I can’t believe how big she is, its crazy how fast it goes. I will have more to post as the holiday’s get closer.