We’re Home!!


Originally uploaded by justin_slife.

We got back from NY on Saturday, it was a great trip and Maggie is still asking for everybody and talking about going in the ocean. She was very HAPPY to see her Daddy though, and he couldn’t believe how big Layla got while we were gone. She is growing so fast and starting to make lots of noise. Here are some more pictures from the park with Gma, Gpa, Uncle Luke and Missy (Layla was with us too but she was to busy sleeping to get in any pictures). And from our last night when we with Mary and her family to the beach to listen to live music. I think you can tell how much Maggie loved being with her cousins. Can’t wait to do it again!

Sunday we went to the parade and watched Fireworks from our front lawn- we will share those pictures after the 4th, because I’m sure there will be more. Justin has time off this week so hopefully we can do some more unpacking and organizing.

Playing on the Beach!


Originally uploaded by justin_slife.

The girls and I are in New York for Luke’s HS Graduation. We have been having a great time. We got to see Luke off to the Prom, spent the day at the beach with all the cousins and Graduation was Saturday. The girls have been doing awesome with all the excitement and travelling. We are here until Saturday and now plan on just relaxing and hanging out with family. I think everyone is enjoying Maggie and seeing how much she has changed since last year. Enjoy the pictures and I’m sure there will be many more before we are back in WI.

Enjoying Watermelon!


Originally uploaded by justin_slife.

Thought we would share a few more pictures from Maggies Birthday. She really enjoyed her Watermelon, the white dress will never be the same.

There are also some pictures from a park near our house- as the kids call it “Castle Park” it is really called FT Cushing, Maggie loved it and has been asking everyday to go see the Castle.

I had some problems organizing these pictures into the correct set, so if you go to the Ft Cushing Set you will see all the new ones, I believe they are also under the Birthday Set.

Maggie’s 2nd Birthday!


Originally uploaded by justin_slife.

Well it has been a busy day and our 2 year old is sleeping soundly. We started our day early and went to the park before Daddy and Layla were even up. Then came back and opened some presents. Tonight we went to the gym and the Team sang to Maggie, it was definitely a bit overwhelming for her at first. You can see she started to cry in one picture but of course quickly recovered. It did not take long for her to start showing off. Everybody seemed to enjoy Maggie’s cake!

Thanks to everyone for calling today, I know we did not get to talk to you all but Maggie was ready for bed after the gym. We will not tell her that her birthday only lasts one day so she will be just as excited tomorrow.

Maggie’s Birthday Cake!!!


Originally uploaded by justin_slife.

Today Maggie helped me make her birthday cake!! And as you can see had a great time, of course we had to taste everything as well. Believe it or not she we didn’t make too much of a mess, and she was really good about waiting till tomorrow to eat it. Can’t wait till Layla can help also, today she slept right through it. We will have pictures of her with her candles and cake tomorrow for everyone! We will be celebrating on Sunday at Grandma & Grandpa Slife’s also and promise to have new pictures of both girls.

Maggie at the new gym!

Maggie at the new gym!

Originally uploaded by justin_slife.

We took Maggie to Open Gym yesterday at the new gym, Midwest Twisters and she obviously had a blast.For the first time we allowed her into the pit and she definitely loved it. We will be starting classes in a couple of weeks. Layla is doing great and growing extremely fast- I had to find new clothes from our garage (everything is still in boxes of course)because she is growing out of everything. That is something we are not used to- Maggie is still wearing her summer clothes from last year. Layla is beginning to make lots of noise especially when her big sister is around- she loves to hear her talk and laugh. They have adjusted well (we have had a few nights of everybody sleeping through the night, so we know it won’t take long) and I think Maggie really loves having all the space in the new house, and that we can go to the park almost everyday.

I can’t believe she is going to be 2 next week!!!

We’re Back!!

Well we got our internet hooked up today, so we are back online. Moving has been very busy, but going really well. The house needed lots of work- Thanks to Linda & Jay for all their help with cleaning and moving. We are very happy in our new house, Maggie has been doing pretty well with the adjustment. Bedtime has been a struggle but will get easier with time. We will try to get some new pictures tonight of the house (which still needs work) but is a great improvement from where it started.

Layla 8 weeks!


Originally uploaded by justin_slife.

Well Justin has made it to WI, they arrived yesterday and spent today unloading the truck and getting the house ready. We are hoping we will all be able to sleep there Saturday night, the girls and I get in on Saturday afternoon. Maggie is really missing her Daddy and it will be nice to get her back on a regular schedule, life has been a little crazy for her.

Layla is doing awesome and loves to smile we went to the Doctor this week. And she obviously isn’t missing any meals, she has gained almost 4lbs, and got caught up on her shots.



Originally uploaded by justin_slife.

We spent Sunday at Disneyland and Maggie had a great time. She loved the Princesses and of course was the center of attention during the Corenation!! She had all the performers laughing with her beautiful dancing. Maggie was excited for the rides not for the Characters! There are lots more pictures that I will add tomorrow. And Layla slept most of the day, resting up for her rough day today. She had her checkup today, and she got 6 shots so we are hoping tonight won’t be too tough. She has already gained almost 4lbs in just 2 months. She does not miss any meals.